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President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited various countries on different continents in the last month to attend the summits of six regional and global international organizations. Erdoğan attended the BRICS summit in Russia, the 11th summit of the Council of Heads of State of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) in Kyrgyzstan, the European Political Community (ECC) Summit in Hungary, the Extraordinary Joint Summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Arab League in Saudi Arabia, the World Leaders Climate Summit of the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Azerbaijan and the G-20 leaders’ summit organized under the theme of “Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet” in Brazil. All these visits are significant indications of the current Turkish foreign policy orientation, which is based on diversifying its foreign policy and establishing the "Axis of Türkiye." These visits show that there are several important contexts in which Türkiye improves its role in international organizations and its relations with other countries. Türkiye has been trying to contribute to the resolution of global problems such as climate change, the reformation of the U.N. system and economic disparity. Ankara shows a close interest in solving global problems. For example, Erdoğan has been giving effective speeches at the U.N. General Assembly and emphasizing the keen interest in solving global problems for the last decade. Türkiye has been asking for reforming the U.N. system to be more effective in contributing to international peace and stability. Similarly, Türkiye initiated the zero-waste project that later reached a global scale. Türkiye has been trying to improve the idea of regionalism. As part of the Axis of Türkiye and the "Century of Türkiye" policies, a recently developed grand strategy by the current Erdoğan government, Türkiye has been trying to improve regional cooperation with different sets of states. There are three main layers of the project, namely its immediate neighbors, the Turkic world and Muslim countries. Türkiye has been trying to increase its cooperation with regional countries in adjacent regions. It wants to increase its level of integration with the Turkic world . Similarly, Türkiye is very careful not to alienate but to underline its common ties with Muslim countries. Türkiye has benefited from international and multinational platforms in developing its bilateral relations. On the one hand, Erdoğan meets with the leaders of different countries, who also participate in the above-mentioned multinational platforms, to improve Türkiye’s relations with these countries. On the other hand, since the Al-Aqsa Flood on Oct. 7, Erdoğan has used every international platform to mobilize the world's public opinion against the ongoing genocide. Considering almost all Western states justify and most of the non-Western countries remain indifferent to the Israeli atrocities, Türkiye under the leadership of Erdoğan is one of the few countries that try to stop the Israeli aggression toward regional people. During these international platforms, Erdoğan finds the opportunity to show the brutality of Israel to the world's public opinion. To make a general inference, it becomes obvious that all these visits contribute to Türkiye’s goal of increasing its strategic autonomy, which it initiated almost a decade ago. They have increased Türkiye’s effectiveness in international organizations and multinational platforms, and thus its role in international politics. In other words, by participating in these summits, Erdoğan has been playing a vital role in Türkiye’s increased effectiveness. Also, by participating in these different regional and global platforms, Erdoğan consolidates his country’s diversified foreign policy perspective.At her studio in Los Angeles, Australian artist Jemima Wyman is trying to come to terms with the cancellation of her 30-year survey show. or signup to continue reading The internationally-known Palawa artist could have shown her career survey at a range of prestigious institutions, but went with the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane, where she has both studied and taught. "It has a really special place in my heart, and that's why I was excited to do the 30 year survey show there, because I had such a long relationship with the institution," she told AAP. In November, Wyman was told QUT's Art Museum was cutting its 2025 program, and her show would be axed. The free-to-visit museum at QUT's Garden Point campus has eight staff and describes itself as one of Queensland's premier visual arts institutions. The university is facing financial challenges due to funding shortfalls, but staff would not be impacted by any of the university's current plans, a QUT spokesperson said. "We have had to make a number of difficult decisions with regard to pausing activities across a number of areas of the university, including some programming at QUTAM for 2025," they told AAP. It appears the museum will show one exhibition of items from the university's art collection during 2025. Wyman is not the only artist left hanging, with an exhibition of two of Australia's most significant ceramicists, Vipoo Srivilasa and the late Gwyn Hanssen Pigott also affected, as well as a group show by six Barkandji/Barkindji artists. University museums do more to support first nations artists than any other type of gallery, according to Penelope Benton of the National Association for the Visual Arts. "This kind of decision is hugely impactful for the working lives of Australian artists," she said. Wyman's exhibition had been expected to tour to UNSW in Sydney, followed by the Samstag Museum at the University of South Australia. The artist said she's worried the university is technically shutting down the museum. "If you're only having one show a year, and it's from the collection, then you're not really being an active institution in terms of supporting contemporary artists," she said. "It sounds to me like a strategy to not ring alarm bells ... a strategy to step down the museum and eventually shut it down completely." University Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Margaret Sheil has apologised to Wyman in an email, saying the university has to make tough decisions, with departments prioritising teaching and research until the budget returns to surplus. Professor Sheil also cited a rapid decline in creative and fine arts enrolments, and said fine arts degrees and staff are now based at QUT's Kelvin Grove campus, several kilometres away from the museum. There have been a series of recent cuts to arts courses at institutions in the region, including at the University of Queensland, James Cook University, Queensland College of the Arts, and Southern Cross University. "It's a shame that it's all being cut, I think it will be really detrimental to the region," said Wyman. "Artists will have to go interstate to get the education they need, it will probably create a cultural desert in Queensland." Advertisement Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date. We care about the protection of your data. 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Shamed David Coote at centre of betting probe after discussing booking player BEFORE game & saying ‘I hope you backed’Georgia Republicans recommend further law to restrict transgender women’s participation in sportsThe standard Lorem Ipsum passage, used since the 1500s "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." Section 1.10.32 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", written by Cicero in 45 BC "Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?" Thanks for your interest in Kalkine Media's content! To continue reading, please log in to your account or create your free account with us.

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LONDRES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--déc. 17, 2024-- euNetworks Group Limited (« euNetworks »), une société européenne d’infrastructures de bande passante critique, annonce ce jour avoir ouvert au marché sa nouvelle super autoroute en fibre optique reliant Paris et Lille. Il s’agit de la première phase d’un système avancé plus vaste en fibre optique qui reliera directement Amsterdam et offrira également une option supplémentaire de connectivité régionale au réseau longue distance de euNetworks à travers la Belgique et vers Bruxelles . Ce communiqué de presse contient des éléments multimédias. Voir le communiqué complet ici : Kevin Dean, Interim CEO of euNetworks (Photo: Business Wire) La diversité accrue de cette nouvelle liaison Paris-Lille, associée au déploiement de la dernière technologie de fibre optique et à l’attention permanente que porte euNetworks à la réduction des émissions de carbone sur l’ensemble de son empreinte, a permis d’offrir aux clients un réseau de routes réellement unique. Pourquoi la nouvelle super autoroute est-elle différente? Cette dernière livraison fait suite à l’annonce par euNetworks de l’ouverture d’une nouvelle autoroute Francfort-Paris en octobre. En établissant cette nouvelle infrastructure vitale, euNetworks poursuit son engagement à fournir aux régions la prochaine génération de bande passante indispensable pour répondre aux demandes de bande passante des clients d’aujourd’hui et à la demande exponentielle de bande passante que la technologie entraînera à l’avenir. Le nouveau système « Super Highway » de réseaux longue distance de euNetworks est le seul nouveau système moderne de réseau en fibre optique en service actuellement à connecter tous les centres de données de Francfort, Londres, Amsterdam, Paris et Dublin (FLAP-D). La Société propose également une connexion continue vers le reste de l’Europe sur les réseaux de fibre optique qu’elle possède et exploite. Kevin Dean, PDG par intérim d’euNetworks, a déclaré : « La livraison en quelques semaines de notre cinquième super autoroute et de notre troisième nouvelle super autoroute est une réalisation fantastique à mettre au compte de notre équipe. euNetworks a construit, possède et exploite un système de réseau qui est au cœur de l’infrastructure critique exigée par certains des plus grands utilisateurs mondiaux de bande passante en Europe. » Kevin Dean a ajouté : « L’itinéraire Paris-Lille est la phase initiale d’une nouvelle super autoroute qui prolongera notre réseau de super autoroutes jusqu’à Amsterdam. Cette livraison offre à la région FLAP-D une nouvelle route clé ; comme nos autres nouvelles routes, elle est innovante dans sa conception et sa construction et donne au marché une nouvelle et importante capacité de liaison en fibre de centre de données à centre de données. Je suis enthousiasmé par les nouvelles possibilités que cela nous donne d’aider nos clients, et par les investissements supplémentaires potentiels dans les infrastructures en Europe que nous explorons collectivement. » euNetworks construit et investit dans des réseaux de fibre optique urbains et longue distance pour connecter les principaux centres et hubs de données européens. La Société possède et exploite des réseaux de fibre optique dans 18 villes ainsi qu’un réseau longue distance très différencié qui s’étend sur 46 100 kilomètres à travers 17 pays. Grand spécialiste du secteur, euNetworks continue de croître et d’ investir en partenariat avec ses clients, en favorisant les nouvelles technologies et en approfondissant ses réseaux de fibre uniques en Europe. Ces investissements alimentent la croissance de la Société. À propos d’euNetworks euNetworks est une entreprise spécialisée dans les infrastructures de bande passante critique, qui possède et exploite 18 réseaux métropolitains basés sur la fibre optique, reliés par un réseau interurbain à haute capacité couvrant 53 villes dans 17 pays à travers l'Europe. L'entreprise est leader sur le marché de la connectivité des centres de données, connectant aujourd'hui plus de 545 centres directement. euNetworks est également un fournisseur de premier plan en matière de connectivité cloud et propose un portefeuille ciblé de services métropolitains et longue distance, notamment la fibre optique noire, les longueurs d'onde et l'Ethernet. Les clients des secteurs de la vente en gros, de la finance, des contenus, des médias, de la téléphonie mobile, des centres de données et des entreprises bénéficient de l'inventaire unique d'euNetworks en matière de fibres et de conduits, qui sont conçus pour répondre à leurs besoins en matière de large bande passante. La société fournit des services en s’engageant activement en faveur du développement durable et se concentre sur son objectif d’émissions nettes de carbone, de gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement respectueuse de l’environnement et de collaboration entre la communauté et l’industrie pour relever les défis environnementaux à venir. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur . Le texte du communiqué issu d’une traduction ne doit d’aucune manière être considéré comme officiel. La seule version du communiqué qui fasse foi est celle du communiqué dans sa langue d’origine. La traduction devra toujours être confrontée au texte source, qui fera jurisprudence. Consultez la version source sur : CONTACT: Hannah Britt|Directrice du marketing|euNetworks hannah.britt@eunetworks.come-mail |+44 7717 896 446 tél. mobile KEYWORD: EUROPE UNITED KINGDOM NETHERLANDS FRANCE INDUSTRY KEYWORD: DATA MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY TELECOMMUNICATIONS MOBILE/WIRELESS NETWORKS INTERNET CARRIERS AND SERVICES SOURCE: euNetworks Group Limited Copyright Business Wire 2024. PUB: 12/17/2024 02:12 PM/DISC: 12/17/2024 02:13 PM — Site preparation is underway with a fall 2026 opening projected for the 62-acre sculpture park at the northwest corner of 2nd Street and Coltrane Road along historic Route 66. Fundraising is also underway by the two nonprofit organizations involved in the project, The Uncommon Ground Sculpture Park Inc. and Edmond Fine Arts Institute. Their goal is $92 million. “It takes a long time to build out a park and it takes a long time to fundraise,” Melissa Pepper said during a recent tour of the site. “We are full steam ahead.” The fall 2026 opening aligns perfectly with the centennial celebration of Route 66, said Pepper, who was hired as executive director of the park nonprofit five months ago. She previously worked for the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber, Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma, OETA and Myriad Botanical Gardens. The park initially will feature 43 art pieces – from 27 donors and matching funds from the Edmond Visual Arts Commission – with additional sculptures installed over time, Pepper said. “We want there to be an art surprise around every bend,” she said. “This is Oklahoma’s only true dedicated sculpture park,” she said. “I like to say that art is the star of the show and then the supporting characters are nature and play.” With its location along Route 66, Pepper said this will be a regional park that is expected to attract visitors from near and as far away as 200 miles. It will be slightly smaller than Scissortail Park in Oklahoma City (70 acres) and Gathering Place in Tulsa (66 acres). Features will include event venues, playgrounds, three stocked ponds with fishing docks, a dog park, and trails for walking, hiking and biking. Natural elements include Spring Creek, which runs through the property, heavily wooded acres and a stately 140-year-old pecan tree. Plans call for preserving as many trees as possible and planting additional native trees. Restaurant pads along 2nd Street will provide future establishments with a backyard view over the ponds and into the park. The property was purchased four years ago by the French Family Charitable Foundation from a family who had lived there since the mid-60s and raised Arabian horses. Part of the original horse barn will be retrofitted into a pavilion for activities like corporate picnics. Another area will feature an outdoor stage for everything from big concerts to local theater productions, Pepper said. Anchoring the park will be the new two-story 38,000-square-foot Edmond Fine Arts Institute building. FAI offers educational enrichment in visual and performing arts for adults and children. “This opportunity came up and it was just a perfect fit for us,” Executive Director Shannon Price said. “Quite frankly, we’re at capacity. We have maxed out our building (downtown) and the number of students that we can serve. Annually we have about 4,000 students that are on a waiting list.” Melissa Pepper, executive director of The Uncommon Ground Sculpture Park, talks about some of the pieces that will be displayed in the park during a recent tour of the property. (Staff Photo by Kathryn McNutt) The new facility will include a theater space, three galleries, and sculpture and technology spaces on the first floor. Upstairs will be an event center that can seat about 300 people or host indoor art festivals, Price said. “The goal is to elevate the level of artists coming to Oklahoma,” she said. The two nonprofits have combined their fundraising efforts “so we can cross the finish line at the same time,” Pepper said. Of the $92 million goal, $72 is for the park and its structures and $20 million is for the FAI art and event center. To date, $30 million has been raised, Pepper said. They are seeking federal and state grants and donations from corporations and individuals. The park also will be selling individual and family memberships with VIP perks for parkgoers. Admission to the park will be free. The project was stalled for a year before the property owner and the city reached an agreement. The French Family Charitable Foundation agreed to develop the public art park and donate it to the Park Conservancy Trust upon completion. The Edmond City Council agreed to provide $10 million – drawn from five reserve funds – to pay for public infrastructure at the site and to pay for 70% of the ongoing operations, maintenance and programming of the park up to $899,000 annually. The city also agreed to make improvements to Coltrane Road, subject to the availability of funds. Rand Elliott Architects is designing the park structures and MA+ Architecture is designing the art and event center. Lingo Construction is the general contractor for all construction.Disability ministers will ‘champion’ inclusion and accessibility, says Timms

Topline Sam Altman joined fellow billionaires Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos in announcing $1 million donations to President-elect Donald Trump's inaugural fund, as the tech industry seeks to strengthen relationships with the incoming president after an antagonistic past. Key Facts Get Forbes Breaking News Text Alerts: We’re launching text message alerts so you'll always know the biggest stories shaping the day’s headlines. Text “Alerts” to (201) 335-0739 or sign up here . Are Companies Allowed To Donate To Trump’s Inaugural Fund? Yes. The Federal Election Commission states corporations and labor organizations are allowed to make donations to an inaugural committee and contributions are not subject to any limits. The inaugural committee has to file a report with the FEC detailing donations by the 90th day after the inauguration. What Does The Inaugural Fund Do? After the election, an inaugural committee is appointed by the president-elect and it is responsible for planning the inauguration ceremony and activities connected with the ceremony, according to the FEC. The inaugural committee plans and finances inaugural events—save for the swearing-in ceremony at the Capitol and a luncheon—that it wants to host, including opening ceremonies, parades, galas and balls. Key Background The slew of donations from tech companies comes as executives are working to repair or build relationships with Trump ahead of his second term in the White House. Trump has been openly critical of a number of tech executives—including Bezos and Zuckerberg—and tech companies, especially after being removed from some social media platforms in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021, riot. Bezos posted on X , formerly known as Twitter, for the first time in nearly a year after the first assassination attempt on Trump earlier this year, saying the then-candidate “showed tremendous grace and courage under literal fire tonight. So thankful for his safety and so sad for the victims and their families.” After Trump won, Bezos congratulated him on “an extraordinary political comeback and decisive victory.” When Zuckerberg met with Trump last month, a Meta spokesperson said the CEO was “grateful for the invitation to join President Trump for dinner with members of his team about the incoming administration,” and a Trump aide told Fox Zuckerberg saw Trump as an “agent of change and...prosperity.” What To Watch For Other donations coming in. The Washington Post reported Google CEO Sundar Pichai had a scheduled sit-down with Trump earlier this week. Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce and owner of Time magazine—which just named Trump its person of the year—said in a post on X , “This marks a time of great promise for our nation. We look forward to working together to advance American success and prosperity for everyone.” Forbes Valuation Forbes’ estimates Altman has a net worth of $1.1 billion as of Friday afternoon. We estimate Bezos has a net worth of about $242 billion, making him the second wealthiest person in the world, and Zuckerberg has a net worth of about $214.3 billion, making him the third wealthiest person. Further Reading

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Trump's Labor Secretary pick is winning Democratic praise — and GOP skepticismDynamic Roofing Concepts, Inc. Delivers Quality Roofing Services to Brandon, FL Residents 12-17-2024 08:16 PM CET | Politics, Law & Society Press release from: ABNewswire Dynamic Roofing Concepts, Inc. Delivers Quality Roofing Services to Brandon, FL Residents Brandon, FL - Dynamic Roofing Concepts, Inc., a roofing contractor based in Brandon, FL [ ], brings over 40 years of experience in the roofing industry to residents and businesses in the Tampa Bay area. Founded by Colin Clark, the company is known for its comprehensive roofing services that focus on quality, reliability, and safety. Certified as a GAF Master Elite Trademark contractor, Dynamic Roofing Concepts is among the few companies nationwide to meet the stringent standards set by this certification, reflecting its commitment to skill, professionalism, and customer satisfaction. Comprehensive Roofing Services in Tampa Bay Dynamic Roofing Concepts offers a range of roofing services [ ] tailored to meet the needs of homes and businesses in the Tampa Bay area, which experiences unique weather challenges. The roofing company provides: Roof Installation and Replacement: Dynamic Roofing Concepts installs roofs using a range of materials suited to Florida's high-humidity and hurricane-prone climate, including asphalt shingles, bitumen, metal, tile, and flat roofs. The roofing company provides roof installation and replacement for various types of properties, ensuring that each roof is designed for optimal durability and longevity. Roof Repair Services: Addressing issues from leaks and minor wear to more extensive damage, Dynamic Roofing Concepts' roof repair services help restore the functionality and appearance of various roofing types, including flat roof repair and roof leak repair. Whether it's water damage caused by storms like Hurricane Ian, or general wear and tear, the team uses top-quality materials to ensure repairs last. Video: Roof Maintenance Programs: The Brandon, FL roofing company [ ] offers scheduled roof maintenance services to help clients extend their roof's lifespan, improve performance, and prevent the need for costly repairs. Regular maintenance can also include snow removal, ice dam removal, and debris clearing to prevent issues like water intrusion and mold buildup. Emergency Roof Repair: In response to Florida's frequent storms, Dynamic Roofing Concepts provides urgent repair services to help secure properties from further damage after severe weather events. The team is equipped to handle hail, snow, and wind damage, and they specialize in roof coating to add a protective layer to help manage extreme weather. Roof Inspections: Their detailed roof inspection services assess a roof's condition, providing insights on required repairs or replacement, often utilized by clients before selling or purchasing a property. Clients receive roof estimates and roof quotes to ensure they are making an informed decision. Certified Roofing Professionals Dynamic Roofing Concepts is known for its highly trained and certified team, with each member adhering to current industry safety protocols and standards. As a GAF Master Elite Trademark contractor, the company is part of an exclusive group representing only 2% of all roofing contractors nationwide. This certification not only underscores the roofing company's expertise but also allows it to offer enhanced warranties on GAF roofing products, which many clients find adds an extra layer of assurance to their investment. Commitment to Safety and Quality Standards Safety and quality are central to Dynamic Roofing Concepts' operations. Team members undergo continuous training to stay informed about advances in roofing technology, techniques, and materials. This focus on skill development ensures each project is completed with attention to detail and compliance with industry standards. Owner Colin Clark emphasizes that a safe and reliable roofing system is not only about the materials used but also the craftsmanship involved in every installation or repair. The company prides itself on providing customer service that exceeds expectations and prioritizing customer satisfaction at every stage of the project. Positive Client Feedback on Quality and Reliability Dynamic Roofing Concepts [ ] has earned praise from clients across the Tampa Bay area for their professionalism, clear communication, and quality workmanship. Customers frequently highlight the team's efficiency, organized job sites, and commitment to completing projects on time and within budget. Many appreciate the detailed guidance provided in selecting durable materials suited for Florida's climate, as well as the company's responsive emergency repair services during storm season. With transparent processes and reliable warranties, Dynamic Roofing Concepts continues to be a trusted choice, with many clients recommending their services to family and friends. Serving the Community and Building Relationships Dynamic Roofing Concepts serves a broad area that includes Brandon, Riverview, Lithia, Valrico, and other Tampa Bay communities. As a locally-owned business, the company values its role within the community, supporting local organizations and initiatives. Dynamic Roofing Concepts has built a loyal client base, with many residents appreciating the company's transparent approach and commitment to long-term customer relationships. About Dynamic Roofing Concepts, Inc. Dynamic Roofing Concepts, Inc. is a family-owned business providing roofing solutions to the Brandon, FL area and nearby communities for over four decades. Under the leadership of Colin Clark, the company offers roof installation, repair, inspection, and maintenance services for a variety of roofing types, including asphalt shingles, metal, tile, and flat roofs. Their GAF Master Elite Trademark Certification reflects a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, making them a trusted name in roofing companies across the region. Additional information about their services can be found on their website: Dynamic Roofing Concepts Inc. 416 E Windhorst Rd, Brandon, FL 33510 (813) 657-7663 Location:!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d14096.42805640351!2d-82.2802591!3d27.9600087!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x88c2cc38ab4f3969%3A0x32acde181d3bb59e!2sDynamic%20Roofing%20Concepts%20Inc.!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1732906229982!5m2!1sen!2sus Media Contact Company Name: Dynamic Roofing Concepts Inc. Contact Person: Colin Clark Email:Send Email [ ] Phone: (813) 657-7663 Address:416 E Windhorst Road City: Brandon State: FL, 33510 Country: United States Website: This release was published on openPR.

Harris' campaign leaders say there was a 'price to be paid' for shortened campaign against TrumpWASHINGTON (AP) — One year after the Jan. 6, 2021 , U.S. Capitol attack, Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Justice Department was committed to holding accountable all perpetrators “at any level” for “the assault on our democracy.” That bold declaration won't apply to at least one person: Donald Trump. Special counsel Jack Smith's move on Monday to abandon the federal election interference case against Trump means jurors will likely never decide whether the president-elect is criminally responsible for his attempts to cling to power after losing the 2020 campaign. The decision to walk away from the election charges and the separate classified documents case against Trump marks an abrupt end of the Justice Department’s unprecedented legal effort that once threatened his liberty but appears only to have galvanized his supporters. The abandonment of the cases accusing Trump of endangering American democracy and national security does away with the most serious legal threats he was facing as he returns to the White House. It was the culmination of a monthslong defense effort to delay the proceedings at every step and use the criminal allegations to Trump's political advantage, putting the final word in the hands of voters instead of jurors. “We always knew that the rich and powerful had an advantage, but I don’t think we would have ever believed that somebody could walk away from everything,” said Stephen Saltzburg, a George Washington University law professor and former Justice Department official. “If there ever was a Teflon defendant, that’s Donald Trump.” While prosecutors left the door open to the possibility that federal charges could be re-filed against Trump after he leaves office, that seems unlikely. Meanwhile, Trump's presidential victory has thrown into question the future of the two state criminal cases against him in New York and Georgia. Trump was supposed to be sentenced on Tuesday after his conviction on 34 felony counts in his New York hush money case , but it's possible the sentencing could be delayed until after Trump leaves office, and the defense is pushing to dismiss the case altogether. Smith's team stressed that their decision to abandon the federal cases was not a reflection of the merit of the charges, but an acknowledgement that they could not move forward under longstanding Justice Department policy that says sitting presidents cannot face criminal prosecution. Trump's presidential victory set “at odds two fundamental and compelling national interests: On the one hand, the Constitution’s requirement that the President must not be unduly encumbered in fulfilling his weighty responsibilities . . . and on the other hand, the Nation’s commitment to the rule of law,” prosecutors wrote in court papers. The move just weeks after Trump's victory over Vice President Kamala Harris underscores the immense personal stake Trump had in the campaign in which he turned his legal woes into a political rallying cry. Trump accused prosecutors of bringing the charges in a bid to keep him out of the White House, and he promised revenge on his perceived enemies if he won a second term. “If Donald J. Trump had lost an election, he may very well have spent the rest of his life in prison,” Vice President-elect JD Vance, wrote in a social media post on Monday. “These prosecutions were always political. Now it’s time to ensure what happened to President Trump never happens in this country again.” After the Jan. 6 attack by Trump supporters that left more than 100 police officers injured, Republican leader Mitch McConnell and several other Republicans who voted to acquit Trump during his Senate impeachment trial said it was up to the justice system to hold Trump accountable. The Jan. 6 case brought last year in Washington alleged an increasingly desperate criminal conspiracy to subvert the will of voters after Trump's 2020 loss, accusing Trump of using the angry mob of supporters that attacked the Capitol as “a tool” in his campaign to pressure then-Vice President Mike Pence and obstruct the certification of Democrat Joe Biden's victory. Hundreds of Jan. 6 rioters — many of whom have said they felt called to Washington by Trump — have pleaded guilty or been convicted by juries of federal charges at the same courthouse where Trump was supposed to stand trial last year. As the trial date neared, officials at the courthouse that sits within view of the Capitol were busy making plans for the crush of reporters expected to cover the historic case. But Trump's argument that he enjoyed absolute immunity from prosecution quickly tied up the case in appeals all the way up to the Supreme Court. The high court ruled in July that former presidents have broad immunity from prosecution , and sent the case back to the trial court to decide which allegations could move forward. But the case was dismissed before the trial court could got a chance to do so. The other indictment brought in Florida accused Trump of improperly storing at his Mar-a-Lago estate sensitive documents on nuclear capabilities, enlisting aides and lawyers to help him hide records demanded by investigators and cavalierly showing off a Pentagon “plan of attack” and classified map. But U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the case in July it on grounds that Smith was illegally appointed . Smith appealed to the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, but abandoned that appeal on Monday. Smith's team said it would continue its fight in the appeals court to revive charges against Trump's two co-defendants because “no principle of temporary immunity applies to them.” In New York, jurors spent weeks last spring hearing evidence in a state case alleging a Trump scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through a hush money payment to a porn actor who said the two had sex. New York prosecutors recently expressed openness to delaying sentencing until after Trump's second term, while Trump's lawyers are fighting to have the conviction dismissed altogether. In Georgia, a trial while Trump is in office seems unlikely in a state case charging him and more than a dozen others with conspiring to overturn his 2020 election loss in the state. The case has been on hold since an appeals court agreed to review whether to remove Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis over her romantic relationship with the special prosecutor she had hired to lead the case. Associated Press reporter Lisa Mascaro in Washington contributed.CHATHAM, N.J. (AP) — That buzzing coming out of New Jersey? It's unclear if it's drones or something else, but for sure the nighttime sightings are producing tons of talk, a raft of conspiracy theories and craned necks looking skyward. Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * CHATHAM, N.J. (AP) — That buzzing coming out of New Jersey? It's unclear if it's drones or something else, but for sure the nighttime sightings are producing tons of talk, a raft of conspiracy theories and craned necks looking skyward. Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? CHATHAM, N.J. (AP) — That buzzing coming out of New Jersey? It’s unclear if it’s drones or something else, but for sure the nighttime sightings are producing tons of talk, a raft of conspiracy theories and craned necks looking skyward. Cropping up on local news and social media sites around Thanksgiving, the saga of the drones reported over New Jersey has reached incredible heights. This week seems to have begun a new, higher-profile chapter: Lawmakers are demanding (but so far not getting) explanations from federal and state authorities about what’s behind them. Gov. Phil Murphy wrote to President Joe Biden asking for answers. New Jersey’s new senator, Andy Kim, spent Thursday night on a drone hunt in rural northern New Jersey, and posted about it on X. But perhaps the most fantastic development is the dizzying proliferation of conspiracies — none of which has been confirmed or suggested by federal and state officials who say they’re looking into what’s happening. It has become shorthand to refer to the flying machines as drones, but there are questions about whether what people are seeing are unmanned aircraft or something else. Some theorize the drones came from an Iranian mothership. Others think they are the Secret Service making sure President-elect Donald Trump’s Bedminster property is secure. Others worry about China. The deep state. And on. In the face of uncertainty, people have done what they do in 2024: Create a social media group. The Facebook page, New Jersey Mystery Drones — let’s solve it, has nearly 44,000 members, up from 39,000 late Thursday. People are posting their photo and video sightings, and the online commenters take it from there. One video shows a whitish light flying in a darkened sky, and one commenter concludes it’s otherworldly. “Straight up orbs,” the person says. Others weigh in to say it’s a plane or maybe a satellite. Another group called for hunting the drones literally, shooting them down like turkeys. (Do not shoot at anything in the sky, experts warn.) Trisha Bushey, 48, of Lebanon Township, New Jersey, lives near Round Valley Reservoir where there have been numerous sightings. She said she first posted photos online last month wondering what the objects were and became convinced they were drones when she saw how they moved and when her son showed her on a flight tracking site that no planes were around. Now she’s glued to the Mystery Drones page, she said. “I find myself — instead of Christmas shopping or cleaning my house — checking it,” she said. She doesn’t buy what the governor said, that the drones aren’t a risk to public safety. Murphy told Biden on Friday that residents need answers. The federal Homeland Security Department and FBI also said in a joint statement they have no evidence that the sightings pose “a national security or public safety threat or have a foreign nexus.” “How can you say it’s not posing a threat if you don’t know what it is?” she said. “I think that’s why so many people are uneasy.” Then there’s the notion that people could misunderstand what they’re seeing. William Austin is the president of Warren County Community College, which has a drone technology degree program, and is coincidentally located in one of the sighting hotspots. Austin says he has looked at videos of purported drones and that airplanes are being misidentified as drones. He cited an optical effect called parallax, which is the apparent shift of an object when viewed from different perspectives. Austin encouraged people to download flight and drone tracker apps so they can better understand what they’re looking at. Nonetheless, people continue to come up with their own theories. “It represents the United States of America in 2024,” Austin said. “We’ve lost trust in our institutions, and we need it.” Federal officials echo Austin’s view that many of the sightings are piloted aircraft such as planes and helicopters being mistaken for drones, according to lawmakers and Murphy. That’s not really convincing for many, though, who are homing in on the sightings beyond just New Jersey and the East Coast, where others have reported seeing the objects. Winnipeg Jets Game Days On Winnipeg Jets game days, hockey writers Mike McIntyre and Ken Wiebe send news, notes and quotes from the morning skate, as well as injury updates and lineup decisions. Arrives a few hours prior to puck drop. For Seph Divine, 34, another member of the drone hunting group who lives in Eugene, Oregon, it feels as if it’s up to citizen sleuths to solve the mystery. He said he tries to be a voice of reason, encouraging people to fact check their information, while also asking probing questions. “My main goal is I don’t want people to be caught up in the hysteria and I also want people to not just ignore it at the same time,” he said. “Whether or not it’s foreign military or some secret access program or something otherworldly, whatever it is, all I’m saying is it’s alarming that this is happening so suddenly and so consistently for hours at a time,” he added. ___ Golden reported form Seattle. Advertisement AdvertisementIsrael has agreed to a ceasefire with Hezbollah in Lebanon that will take effect at 4 a.m. Wednesday. Moments after U.S. President Joe Biden announced the ceasefire deal , which Israel's Cabinet approved late Tuesday, an Israeli airstrike slammed into the Lebanese capital. Residents of Beirut and its southern suburbs have endured the most intense day of Israeli strikes since the war began nearly 14 months ago, as Israel signaled it aims to keep pummeling Hezbollah before the ceasefire is set to take hold. At least 24 people have killed by Israeli strikes across Lebanon on Tuesday, according to local authorities. Hezbollah also fired rockets into Israel on Tuesday, triggering air raid sirens across the country’s north. An Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire would mark the first major step toward ending the regionwide unrest triggered by Hamas’ attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. But it does not address the devastating war in Gaza. Hezbollah began attacking Israel a day after Hamas’ attack. The fighting in Lebanon escalated into all-out war in September with massive Israeli airstrikes across the country and an Israeli ground invasion of the south. In Gaza, more than 44,000 people have been killed and more than 104,000 wounded in the nearly 14-month war between Israel and Hamas, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. Here's the Latest: WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald Trump’s senior national security team was briefed by the Biden administration as negotiations unfolded, according to the senior U.S. official. The official, who spoke to reporters on the condition of anonymity in a White House-organized call, added that the incoming Trump administration officials were not directly involved in the talks, but that it was important that the incoming administration knew “what we were negotiating and what the commitments were.” The official said “all fire will stop from all parties” at 4 a.m. local time. The next step would be what the official described as a “phased withdrawal” by the Israeli military. As the Israelis pull back, Lebanese national forces will occupy the territories. The process is slated to finish within 60 days. Lebanese forces is supposed to patrol the area and remove Hezbollah weaponry and infrastructure there. “Hezbollah is incredibly weak at this moment, both militarily and politically,” the official said. “And this is the opportunity for Lebanon to re-establish its sovereignty over its territory.” The official said the ceasefire agreement will strengthen what’s known as the “tripartite mechanism” by including the United States and France. The goal is to address violations of the ceasefire without a return to hostilities. UNITED NATIONS – The top U.N. envoy for Lebanon welcomed the ceasefire announcement and urged Israel and Hezbollah militants to take concrete actions to fully implement the 2006 agreement that ended their last war. U.N. Special Coordinator Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert said the agreement “marks the starting point of a critical process” that must see both sides fully implement U.N. Security Council resolution 1701. It called for the deployment of Lebanese armed forces in the south bordering Israel and the disarmament of all armed groups including Hezbollah – neither of which has happened in the past 17 years. “Nothing less than the full and unwavering commitment of both parties is required,” Hennis-Plasschaert said. “Neither side can afford another period of disingenuous implementation under the guise of ostensible calm.” She commended the parties for “seizing the opportunity to close this devastating chapter,” stressing that “Now is the time to deliver, through concrete actions, to consolidate today’s achievement.” UNITED NATIONS — Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is calling for urgent international intervention to stop what he described as “an ongoing genocidal war” in Gaza. Abbas heads the Palestinian Authority which has limited self-rule in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, but not Gaza, which has been controlled by Hamas. The U.S. and others want a reinvigorated Palestinian Authority to run Gaza when the war ends. In a speech on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Abbas accused Israel of repeating what happened to the Palestinians in 1948 and 1967 – displacing them and seizing their land and resources. Abbas demanded to know how long the world will remain silent and refuse to compel Israel to abide by international law. The speech to U.N. member nations was read by Palestinian U.N. ambassador Riyad Mansour. “The only way to halt the halt the dangerous escalation we are witnessing in the region, and maintain regional and international stability, security and peace, is to resolve the question of Palestine,” Abbas' speech said. This must be done in accordance with U.N. Security Council resolutions which call for a two-state solution, he said. BEIRUT -- Lebanon’s Prime Minister Najib Mikati welcomed the U.S.-brokered ceasefire proposal between Israel and Hezbollah, describing it as a crucial step toward stability, the return of displaced people to their homes and regional calm. Mikati made these comments in a statement issued just after U.S. President Joe announced the truce deal. Mikati said he discussed the ceasefire agreement with Biden by phone earlier Tuesday. The prime minister reaffirmed Lebanon’s commitment to implementing U.N. resolution 1701, strengthening the Lebanese army’s presence in the south, and cooperating with the U.N. peacekeeping force. He also called on Israel to fully comply with the ceasefire and withdraw from southern Lebanon in accordance the U.N. resolution. JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s security Cabinet has approved a ceasefire deal with Hezbollah, clearing the way for the truce to take effect. Netanyahu’s office said the plan was approved by a 10-1 margin. The late-night vote came shortly before President Joe Biden was expected to announced details of the deal in Washington. Earlier, Netanyahu defended the ceasefire, saying Israel has inflicted heavy damage on Hezbollah and could now focus its efforts on Hamas militants in Gaza and his top security concern, Iran. Netanyahu vowed to strike Hezbollah hard if it violates the expected deal. WASHINGTON — Rep. Mike Waltz, President-elect Donald Trump’s designate to be national security adviser, credited Trump’s victory with helping bring the parties together toward a ceasefire in Lebanon. “Everyone is coming to the table because of President Trump,” he said in a post on X on Tuesday. “His resounding victory sent a clear message to the rest of the world that chaos won’t be tolerated. I’m glad to see concrete steps towards deescalation in the Middle East.” He added: “But let’s be clear: The Iran Regime is the root cause of the chaos & terror that has been unleashed across the region. We will not tolerate the status quo of their support for terrorism.” BEIRUT — Israeli jets targeted a building in a bustling commercial area of Beirut for the first time since the start of the 13-month war between Hezbollah and Israel. The strike on Hamra is around 400 meters (yards) from the country’s central bank. A separate strike hit the Mar Elias neighborhood in the country’s capital Tuesday. There was no immediate word on casualties from either strike, part of the biggest wave of attacks on the capital since the war started. Residents in central Beirut were seen fleeing after the Israeli army issued evacuation warnings for four targets in the city. Meanwhile, the Israeli army carried out airstrikes on at least 30 targets in Beirut’s southern suburbs Tuesday, including two strikes in the Jnah neighborhood near the Kuwaiti Embassy. Lebanon’s Health Ministry reported that 13 people were injured in the strikes on the southern suburbs. BEIRUT — Hezbollah has said it accepts the ceasefire proposal with Israel, but a senior official with the group said Tuesday that it had not seen the agreement in its final form. “After reviewing the agreement signed by the enemy government, we will see if there is a match between what we stated and what was agreed upon by the Lebanese officials,” Mahmoud Qamati, deputy chair of Hezbollah’s political council, told the Al Jazeera news network. “We want an end to the aggression, of course, but not at the expense of the sovereignty of the state.” of Lebanon, he said. “Any violation of sovereignty is refused.” Among the issues that may remain is an Israeli demand to reserve the right to act should Hezbollah violate its obligations under the emerging deal. The deal seeks to push Hezbollah and Israeli troops out of southern Lebanon. JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that he would recommend his Cabinet adopt a United States-brokered ceasefire agreement with Lebanon’s Hezbollah, as Israeli warplanes struck across Lebanon, killing at least 23 people. The Israeli military also issued a flurry of evacuation warnings — a sign it was aiming to inflict punishment on Hezbollah down to the final moments before any ceasefire takes hold. For the first time in the conflict, Israeli ground troops reached parts of Lebanon’s Litani River, a focal point of the emerging deal. In a televised statement, Netanyahu said he would present the ceasefire to Cabinet ministers later on Tuesday, setting the stage for an end to nearly 14 months of fighting. Netanyahu said the vote was expected later Tuesday. It was not immediately clear when the ceasefire would go into effect, and the exact terms of the deal were not released. The deal does not affect Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza, which shows no signs of ending. BEIRUT — Lebanon’s state media said Israeli strikes on Tuesday killed at least 10 people in Baalbek province the country’s east. At least three people were killed in the southern city of Tyre when Israel bombed a Palestinian refugee camp, said Mohammed Bikai, a representative of the Fatah group in the area. He said several more people were missing and at least three children were among the wounded. He said the sites struck inside the camp were “completely civilian places” and included a kitchen that was being used to cook food for displaced people. JERUSALEM — Dozens of Israeli protesters took to a major highway in Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening to call for the return of the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, as the country awaited news of a potential ceasefire in Lebanon between Israel and Hezbollah. Protesters chanted “We are all hostages,” and “Deal now!” waving signs with faces of some of the roughly 100 hostages believed to be still held in Gaza, at least a third of whom are thought to be dead. Most of the other hostages Hamas captured in the Oct. 7, 2023 attack were released during a ceasefire last year. The prospect of a ceasefire deal in Lebanon has raised desperation among the relatives of captives still held in Gaza, who once hoped that the release of hostages from Gaza would be included. Instead of a comprehensive deal, the ceasefire on the table is instead narrowly confined to Lebanon. Dozens of Israelis were also demonstrating against the expected cease-fire, gathering outside Israel’s military headquarters in central Tel Aviv. One of the protesters, Yair Ansbacher, says the deal is merely a return to the failed 2006 U.N. resolution that was meant to uproot Hezbollah from the area. “Of course that didn’t happen,” he says. “This agreement is not worth the paper it is written on.” FIUGGI, Italy — Foreign ministers from the world’s industrialized countries said Tuesday they strongly supported an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah and insisted that Israel comply with international law in its ongoing military operations in the region. At the end of their two-day summit, the ministers didn’t refer directly to the International Criminal Court and its recent arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former defense minister over crimes against humanity . Italy had put the ICC warrants on the official meeting agenda, even though the G7 was split on the issue. The U.S., Israel’s closest ally, isn’t a signatory to the court and has called the warrants “outrageous.” However, the EU’s chief diplomat Josep Borrell said all the other G7 countries were signatories and therefore obliged to respect the warrants. In the end, the final statement adopted by the ministers said Israel, in exercising its right to defend itself, “must fully comply with its obligations under international law in all circumstances, including international humanitarian law.” And it said all G7 members — Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States – “reiterate our commitment to international humanitarian law and will comply with our respective obligations.” It stressed that “there can be no equivalence between the terrorist group Hamas and the State of Israel.” The ICC warrants say there's reason to believe Netanyahu used “starvation as a method of warfare” by restricting humanitarian aid and intentionally targeted civilians in Israel’s campaign against Hamas in Gaza — charges Israeli officials deny. BEIRUT — An Israeli strike on Tuesday levelled a residential building in the central Beirut district of Basta — the second time in recent days warplanes have hit the crowded area near the city’s downtown. At least seven people were killed and 37 wounded in Beirut, according to Lebanon’s Health Ministry. It was not immediately clear if anyone in particular was targeted, though Israel says its airstrikes target Hezbollah officials and assets. The Israeli military spokesman issued a flurry of evacuation warnings for many areas, including areas in Beirut that have not been targeted throughout the war, like the capital’s commercial Hamra district, where many people displaced by the war have been staying. The warnings, coupled with fear that Israel was ratcheting up attacks in Lebanon during the final hours before a ceasefire is reached, sparked panic and sent residents fleeing in their cars to safer areas. In areas close to Hamra, families including women and children were seen running away toward the Mediterranean Sea’s beaches carrying their belongings. Traffic was completely gridlocked as people tried to get away, honking their car horns as Israeli drones buzzed loudly overhead. The Israeli military also issued warnings for 20 more buildings in Beirut’s suburbs to evacuate before they too were struck — a sign it was aiming to inflict punishment on Hezbollah in the final moments before any ceasefire takes hold. TEL AVIV, Israel — The independent civilian commission of inquiry into the October 2023 Hamas attack on Israel has found Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu directly responsible for the failures leading up to the attack, alongside former defense ministers, the army chief and the heads of the security services. The civil commission presented its findings today after a four-month probe in which it heard some 120 witnesses. It was set up by relatives of victims of the Hamas attack, in response to the absence of any state probe. The commission determined that the Israeli government, its army and security services “failed in their primary mission of protecting the citizens of Israel.” It said Netanyahu was responsible for ignoring “repeated warnings” ahead of Oct. 7, 2023 for what it described as his appeasing approach over the years toward Hamas, and for “undermining all decision-making centers, including the cabinet and the National Security Council, in a way that prevented any serious discussion” on security issues. The commission further determined that the military and defense leaders bear blame for ignoring warnings from within the army, and for reducing the army’s presence along the Gaza border while relying excessively on technological means. On the day of the Hamas attack, the report says, the army’s response was both slow and lacking. The civil commission called for the immediate establishment of a state commission of inquiry into the Oct. 7 attack. Netanyahu has opposed launching a state commission of inquiry, arguing that such an investigation should begin only once the war is over. JERUSALEM -- The Israeli military says its ground troops have reached parts of Lebanon’s Litani River — a focal point of the emerging ceasefire. In a statement Tuesday, the army said it had reached the Wadi Slouqi area in southern Lebanon and clashed with Hezbollah forces. Under a proposed ceasefire, Hezbollah would be required to move its forces north of the Litani, which in some places is some 30 kilometers (20 miles) north of the Israeli border. The military says the clashes with Hezbollah took place on the eastern end of the Litani, just a few kilometers (miles) from the border. It is one of the deepest places Israeli forces have reached in a nearly two-month ground operation. The military says soldiers destroyed rocket launchers and missiles and engaged in “close-quarters combat” with Hezbollah forces. The announcement came hours before Israel’s security Cabinet is expected to approve a ceasefire that would end nearly 14 months of fighting. BEIRUT — Israeli jets Tuesday struck at least six buildings in Beirut’s southern suburbs Tuesday, including one that slammed near the country’s only airport. Large plumes of smoke could be seen around the airport near the Mediterranean coast, which has continued to function despite its location beside the densely populated suburbs where many of Hezbollah’s operations are based. The strikes come hours before Israel’s cabinet was scheduled to meet to discuss a proposal to end the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah. The proposal calls for an initial two-month ceasefire during which Israeli forces would withdraw from Lebanon and Hezbollah would end its armed presence along the southern border south of the Litani River. There were no immediate reports of casualties from Tuesday’s airstrikes. FIUGGI, Italy — EU top diplomat Josep Borrell, whose term ends Dec. 1, said he proposed to the G7 and Arab ministers who joined in talks on Monday that the U.N. Security Council take up a resolution specifically demanding humanitarian assistance reach Palestinians in Gaza, saying deliveries have been completely impeded. “The two-state solution will come later. Everything will come later. But we are talking about weeks or days,” for desperate Palestinians, he said. “Hunger has been used as an arm against people who are completely abandoned.” It was a reference to the main accusation levelled by the International Criminal Court in its arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former defense minister. Borrell said the signatories to the court, including six of the seven G7 members, are obliged under international law to respect and implement the court’s decisions. Host Italy put the ICC warrants on the G7 agenda at the last minute, but there was no consensus on the wording of how the G7 would respond given the U.S., Israel’s closest ally, has called the warrants “outrageous.” Italy, too, has said it respects the court but expressed concern that the warrants were politically motivated and ill-advised given Netanyahu is necessary for any deal to end the conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon. “Like it or not, the International Criminal Court is a court as powerful as any national court,” Borrell said. “And if the Europeans don’t support International Criminal Court then there would not be any hope for justice,” he said. Borrell, whose term ends Dec. 1, said he proposed to the G7 and Arab ministers who joined in talks on Monday that the U.N. Security Council take up a resolution specifically demanding humanitarian assistance reach Palestinians in Gaza, saying deliveries have been completely impeded. “The two-state solution will come later. Everything will come later. But we are talking about weeks or days,” for desperate Palestinians, he said. “Hunger has been used as an arm against people who are completely abandoned.” It was a reference to the main accusation levelled by the International Criminal Court in its arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former defense minister. Borrell said the signatories to the court, including six of the seven G7 members, are obliged under international law to respect and implement the court’s decisions. Host Italy put the ICC warrants on the G7 agenda at the last minute, but there was no consensus on the wording of how the G7 would respond given the U.S., Israel’s closest ally, has called the warrants “outrageous.” Italy, too, has said it respects the court but expressed concern that the warrants were politically motivated and ill-advised given Netanyahu is necessary for any deal to end the conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon. “Like it or not, the International Criminal Court is a court as powerful as any national court,” Borrell said. “And if the Europeans don’t support International Criminal Court then there would not be any hope for justice,” he said. (edited)

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