We are pleased to offer a variety of ways in which you can make your charitable contributions and tithes to First Baptist Church Keller.

Year-end Contributions
All tithes and offerings for 2024 must be delivered by December 31 using one of the following methods:
- Mail your check with a postmark date no later than December 31.
- Submit your gift online at or through your Realm account before midnight December 31.
- Deliver your contribution to the church office before noon on Tuesday, December 31.
- Place your contribution in one of three Dropboxes marked for contributions before noon on Tuesday, December 31.
• Dropbox in the main hallway near Room 137
• Dropbox on the third floor
• Dropbox in the north foyer
The north door dropbox will remain open until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 31.
Learn more about all your giving options below.
Online Giving
We now offer online giving through Realm for our First Baptist Church Keller ministry funds. Our new portal is connected to a secure, convenient, third-party program that meets industry-standard requirements for privacy and security. Here are some quick facts about your options for giving.
- Choose to give to any or all of our 3 main FBC Keller funds – Budget Offering, Vision Fund, or Missions. These are the same 3 categories found on our pre-printed giving envelopes.
- Set up recurring giving (weekly, monthly, or quarterly) that meets your timing objectives.
- Pay with any of the following channels – checking account, savings account, or with a debit or credit card.
- There is an added option for you to help offset the processing costs of our online giving. When you make your online gift, you will now see this option before you submit your contribution. While it is optional for you to give the additional amount, doing so allows for more of the FBC Keller budget to be used for ministry and less for administrative costs.
- As with all giving, we encourage you to follow biblical giving principles that are taught throughout God’s Word.
Annualized giving statements remain available to you with this method of giving. All transactions are reported back to the church securely to our Finance team.
Realm Access
To join our web-based church directory and online giving, email Lawrence Duhon at
You will receive a response email to the address you submit. Create your username and password at Use the Realm Connect app (download required) or go to to access our church directory, online giving, and to update your personal information.
Please review all the ways you can give and decide which method works best for you and your family. We will be happy to answer any questions.
Online Bill Pay
Giving through your online Bill Pay
- Sign in to your bank's online feature.
- Set up First Baptist Church Keller a vendor with the mailing address: P.O. Box 616, Keller, TX 76244-0616.
- Provide your entire name and current address, include your giving number as the account number (giving numbers are assigned when you join but are not required)
- Identify the ministry; i.e. Budget, Missions, Vision Fund, etc. with the amount of each ministry gift in the memo.
Offering Envelopes
Giving using offering envelopes
If you use a pew envelope …
- Please fill out a blank offering envelope completely.
- Spell out your entire name and address to avoid confusion with other members.
- Add the amount of each ministry gift.
All church members receive printed offering envelopes in the mail each quarter. If you are giving electronically and no longer wish to receive these envelopes in the mail, please call the church office and let us know. If you are not receiving envelopes in the mail and would like to, please call the office to be added to the list. You may also email Paula Leonard ( with either of these requests.
Giving by Mail
We are always happy to receive your contributions by mail.
Please send to P.O. Box 616, Keller, TX 76244-0616.
Giving through an IRA
Giving through an IRA as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is a direct transfer from your IRA custodian, payable to a qualified charity. QCDs can be counted toward satisfying your required minimum distributions (RMDs) for the year, as long as certain rules are met. In addition to the benefits of giving to a charity, a QCD excludes the amount donated from your taxable income, which is unlike regular withdrawals from an IRA.
A donor can make one large contribution or several smaller contributions over the course of the calendar year. QCDs can be made from any or more than one of these IRA types: traditional, inherited, inactive SEP and inactive SIMPLE IRAs.
Please consult your IRA professional or tax advisor to see if this might be a good option for you.
Stock Donation
Giving through a Stock Donation
Donating stock to the church is another giving option that might help generate tax savings. First Baptist Church Keller uses the services of the Southern Baptists of Texas Foundation to broker stock donations. The stocks are liquidated, and the funds are then transferred to the church. Once the transaction is completed, a tax receipt will be provided to you by the Southern Baptists of Texas Foundation. If you choose this option, please send an email to Paula in the finance office,, notifying her of the stock transfer.
Click HERE to download instruction on how to donate stock.