First Baptist Church Keller, TX

Adult Bible Study

October 16, 2022
12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m.

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Psalms – Rhythms of Thinking and Feeling

Fall Session 7

Each Sunday at 9:45 a.m., our Bible study classes meet on campus and via Zoom. Reach out to our office to learn how you can join us.

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Psalm 2

Christ’s Reign and Man’s Folly

Consider the scenario of an international gathering of the leaders of the world’s most powerful nations. One leader, due to their nation’s economic, technological, military, and political might, has let it be known they are ready to impose their will on all those present. What is the result? Can you not imagine small groups of other leaders seeking out their peers to establish common ground, to end once and for all the domination and arrogance of this one nation, so that they may all assume their roles as free and independent nations of the world? How far from reality do you think this is?

Psalm 2 begins with such a claim. It is an example of the resulting conspiracy of the nations. But this rebellion is not ultimately against Israel or Judah, but against Almighty God and His “Anointed.” It is quite likely that the original interpretation of this Psalm was centered on the ideology of the kingship of Israel. The conspirators were considered to be the non-Israelite nations and the peoples of the world. It was only an ideology because the historical reality of the Jerusalem-based kingdom of the Davidic dynasty never approached anything close to such a level of domination. After the Babylonian captivity, the idea of kingship was modified to the rule of a future Messiah, who would fulfill the prophecies and rule the world with an iron scepter. The conspiracy was one of restlessness and murmuring, of coming together to take a stand, with the rallying cry of “freedom,” intent on breaking the bonds that would dare to hold them.

225 Keller Parkway
Keller, TX 76248