Children’s Missions
Our children’s mission organizations meet during the school year. We have organizations for boys and girls ages Pre-K through 6th grade.
Missions Activities – Mission Friends, RA's, and GA's
Wednesdays, August through May
7:00 – 8:00 p.m., Classrooms

Mission Friends
Mission Friends is designed for our children who are Pre-K and kindergarten age. In this program, children learn about different missionaries, their family life, and where they live. A primary focus at this age is an awareness of other cultures and places because Jesus loves all people, even different cultures. They learn to share stories of Jesus at home and with friends.

Royal Ambassadors (RA's)
RA's is a missions education program for boys in the first through sixth grade. Our emphasis is to teach these young men how to be Christ-like and how to carry the message of Christ around the world. We do this through stories, videos, scripture memory, Bible study and activities during class times. Each week in the RA program, we learn about different missionaries and how God uses them to spread His Word to all corners of the globe. The emphasis is not just on what others are doing but on how we can be “On Mission” as well. RA's learn about the saving power of Jesus Christ and that everyone needs to accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior.
We also have special missionary speakers from time to time and the monthly Gym Night is always a hit with these active guys. In addition, the RA calendar is packed full of fun events. These events give the boys a chance to do things boys love to do, like race pinewood derby cars and go camping.

Girls in Action (GA's)
GA's is for girls in the first through sixth grade. The focus is on learning what a missionary is, the difference between home and foreign missionaries, and what a missionary does. To apply their learning, the girls become involved in mission activities in the home and in our surrounding communities.
Apr 12
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Community Serve Day
May 10
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Community Outreach Concert
Children’s Missions Staff
Lawrence Duhon
Associate Pastor of Missions & Evangelism