Get Involved
Here are some ways that you can say "Yes" to God's call to share His love and extend His kingdom through First Baptist Church Keller.

Pray for Your Neighbors – God has placed you right in the middle of many neighbors who need to see the light of Christ through you. Our church is partnering with Bless Every Home to help you pray by name for your neighbors. We want to cover our community with prayer and evangelism! Join this effort by signing up to be a Light HERE.
Pray for Unreached Peoples in India – Our church partners with the Indian Baptist Society to reach the millions of lost people in the state of Karnataka, India. You can join this effort by praying for them specifically using an app of your smart phone that sends you alerts each day to pray for a particular people group. You'll learn their needs so that you can pray for them specifically. GET INSTRUCTIONS HERE
Nursing Home Ministry – There are many ways to serve in our nursing home ministry. We need preachers, Bible teachers, song leaders, pianists, and people that simply love and spend time with the residents and help them get to and from our services. If you would like to get involved, contact Lawrence Duhon.
International Friends – First Baptist Church of Keller offers an International Friends ministry for immigrants to our area each Thursday morning during the school year. These sessions are on Zoom only this spring. This ministry teaches English at beginner, intermediate, and more advanced levels in a small-group environment. There is also a citizenship class to prepare permanent residents to become citizens of the USA. For more information, click HERE.
FBC Keller Disaster Relief Team – First Baptist Church of Keller has a trained and dedicated team that goes out for disaster relief when tragedies strike. To learn more or get involved, click HERE.
Widows' Garden – First Baptist Church of Keller has a vegetable garden run by volunteers to produce food for widows in our church. There are many ways to get involved. Click HERE for more information.
Welcome Ministry – Our Welcome Ministry is here to serve during our church services. This ministry encompasses greeters, ushers, cart drivers, and those who assist with parking. For more information, click HERE.
Refugee Ministry – Thousands of legal refugees have immigrated to our region from all over the world. Many of these are from places that are very closed to the gospel, but now we have the opportunity to minister to them. If you are interested serving refugee through teaching English, meeting physical needs, and sharing God's word, please contact Kika and Anungla Jamir at Donations for this ministry may also be made via First Baptist Church Keller using the designation "Heart for the Unreached."
Give to the Great Commission Offering – This offering is collected year-round by FBC Keller to send missionaries around the world and to meet human needs through the work of our church and our denomination. You can designate "MISSIONS" on your offering envelope. Click HERE to learn more about this offering.
Isaiah 6:8 – Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”