Connections Ministry
Our Connections Ministry is here to serve during our church services.
This ministry encompasses greeters, ushers, cart drivers, and those who assist with parking.

Cart Ministry
Our Cart Ministry is a true service ministry. It helps people get into the church more easily and is a huge help when the weather is less than ideal. This ministry is open to men and women who just want to help people. You will be encouraged as you develop relationships with your riders over time. We have four service time slots:
- 7:50 – 8:30 a.m. for the first Worship Service
- 9:15 – 10:00 a.m. for Sunday School
- 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. for second Worship Service
- 12:00 – 12:30 p.m. for those leaving the last Worship Service
Anyone wanting to know more or to volunteer can contact Steven Cooks at or Scott Knox at
Our Connections Ministry is the first impression most of our guests and members have each Sunday morning. We offer training so our team is comfortable interacting with each person who walks through our doors. There are various positions where our guests require touch points outside and inside the church. We, our guests, and our members would be blessed by your service in one of these areas.
Level 1: Cart Drivers
Drivers help by picking up people from their car and giving them a quick and comfortable ride to the building entrances. This is often the first touchpoint of the day for our guests and members. We have carts running before the first worship service, before Sunday School, before the second worship service, and after the last worship service. To find out more, contact Steven Cooks at
Level 2: Parking Assistance for the Disabled
This select group of drivers meet church members who have severe mobility issues at the north drive-through portico and park their cars. We secure their keys and retrieve their vehicles when they are ready to leave. We have four different service times. To find out more, contact Scott Knox at or 817-431-2545.
Level 3: Outside Greeter
These hardy souls stand out on the sidewalks at the north and south entrances and welcome people to our church. We can always use a few more people who willing to help in this ministry. For many guests and visitors, this is the first person they speak to at our church.
Level 4: Door Greeter
We strive to have door greeters at all four passing times at both the north and south doors, as well as the doors by the Fellowship Hall.
Level 5: Welcome Center Host
We have Welcome Centers in the north and south lobbies of our church which need to be staffed by 3-4 people at each service time. This group helps answer any questions people may have and gives directions to various classes or to the Worship Center.
Level 6: Worship Center Door Greeter
Greeters add a personal touch by welcoming people to the worship service and handing out bulletins each week. We need Greeters for each of our worship services, 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
Level 7: Worship Center Usher
Ushers are of major importance in helping people find a place to sit in the Worship Center and helping fit as many as we comfortably fit into each of our services. We need ushers both upstairs and downstairs for each of our worship services, 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.
For information about serving as a greeter or usher (Levels 3-7), please contact Lawrence Duhon at or 817-431-2545.