You can listen to recent messages from Pastor Keith Sanders and other speakers at First Baptist Church of Keller here.
For sermons not posted here, please visit our Vimeo page and choose the week you'd like to view or go to our Soundcloud podcast site.
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Other Sermons
Individual messages from Pastor Keith and other speakers
Proverbs: God's Wisdom Revealed
During our annual summer Old Testament series, we will be studying selected passages from Proverbs.
A Thousand Hills: A Biblical Worldview on Money and Possessions
Pastor Keith Sanders covers topics from God's ownership of all creation to our stewardship, attitude, and activity.
Gospel of Luke
Pastor Keith Sanders continues his verse-by-verse exposition of the Gospel of Luke
Christ's Message to the Seven Churches
The Book of Daniel
Serving God in a Strange Land
Holy Week
Pastor Keith leads us through the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus and His resurrection including Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.
Systematic Theology
Systematic Theology is an attempt to arrange in an orderly fashion those doctrines taught throughout the Bible. This class will be beneficial to any Christian who wants to know more about what the Bible teaches on a variety of important subjects including God, His Word, Man, Christ, the Trinity, and Salvation.
How in the World Do We Live in a Tech World?
March 25 – April 8
Revival 2019
2019 Revival messages with revivalist Jon Moore